Appmia is the powerful tracking software which allows you to track all the mobile activities and to monitor all those activities from your PC, Tablet or Smartphone. With the use of Appmia Spy Application, the user can track the other person’s online activities on the mobile device and control them remotely. It is one of the most popular Spy application in the market as well as expensive monitoring application in the market. It allows spying all the activities of the targeted phone on your Android or iPhones. The Application is easy to install on your mobile phones from which you want to spy on the activities of the other person.

Appmia Spy Application uploads all the information of the targeted phone and the exact location of the user instantly in the Control Panel. The received data of the targeted phone can be transmitted to the Control panel of the Appmia application where you can log in from any computer around the world within minutes. It is considered to be the most powerful Spy phone software with its highly innovative features.
The Appmia application works on all the mobile phones in spite of the network. It has been featured by various popular media outlets and works completely in the invisible mode; it will never appear on the monitored phone. It is very easy to install and simple to use. It is not expensive to its customers and provides 24×7 customer support service via live chats agents to solve the issues of the customers. If facing any trouble while handling the software in your device, they can contact to live chats agents that pop-up on the right side of the webpage application. You can spy on virtually on any phone and control them remotely and invisibly. It is compatible with both Android and iPhones and guarantees privacy and security to its customers.
The Appmia application has satisfied over the 250,000 customers and works in the stealth mode which can never be monitored by the targeted device. The application promises to full all the monitoring functions to its customers. The application keeps all the information of its customers confidential.
Installation process
To install the Appmia Application in your device, follow these simple steps:
Step1– Click on the Buy Now Option on the order page to purchase the application.
Step2– After buying the application, the registration code is emailed to you along with the login details. The installation guidelines are sent in your email and the installation will be completed within a minute.
Step3– After installation, enter the license code and select the activities that you wish to monitor the targeted device and start monitoring.
Step4- The Application will start working in the stealth mode. The Appmia will stay active even if the event in the targeted device is off for some period of time. Whenever the phone gets an Internet Connection, all the activities of the Targeted device will be logged into your online portals. You can open the application whenever you want to check the activities of the targeted device.
Key Features of Appmia Application
Calls and Surrounding Recordings
The Appmia allows users to record all the phone calls or surrounding easily. The user can listen to the recorded calls and people involved in them. It allows you to set the time you wish to record the calls and surroundings and play or download the recording anytime and anywhere. The call recordings are available in the control panel and can be downloaded on the computer.
- WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, SMS
The application spies on the chat applications, instant messengers and SMS messages of the phone and allow the users to check out the activities of the targeted phone are legal or not. The user can view all the data stored on the chat application in the Control Panel of the application. They can even customize their research by indicating time and data, read the documents shared in the chat application, and to get access to all of it without an internet connection. It also read all the iMessages on the IOS device. It will provide you with the exact message that was sent, received and the date and time of the message.
- GPS Tracking
The Appmia Application allows the user for the remote checking of the location of the targeted phone and to acquire all the necessary up-to-date information about them. The GPS also provides the user with the history of the location of the targeted device. This feature of Application is quite helpful for parents to know about the children location when outside the home to ensure their safety. The application updates the location of the targeted device every 30 minutes in the control panel of the application.
- Emails and Web Tracking
The Appmia Application tracks the web activities of the targeted device. It monitors the send and receives G-mail messages and checks the inbound and outbound e-mails remotely. It allows the user to track the listed sites of the owner’s target device.
- Music and Video File Tracking
The software allows having access to all the deleted multimedia files and viewing the data in the control panel of the application. This includes such files that are a creation of the owner of the targeted device, storage or downloads. It views all the photos and videos stored in the target phone gallery. All the deleted and old photos are viewed on the dashboard of the Appmia Mobile Control Panel and they can view any time on your mobile device which has Wi-Fi connection.
- Controlling of the Phone
The software controls all the major activities of the targeted phone remotely. It allows you to delete and block the application that you don’t need on the targeted phone, ensuring the internet security of the device. This feature is quite useful for the parents to delete the particular application or blacklist the certain application which they don’t want their children to see.
- Extra Features
The Appmia Application contain features like mobile phone device control and surveillance, all the information of the targeted device like voice mail, calendar activities, an application installed and key-logs are under the control. The received data of the targeted phone can be viewed in the control panel of the application anytime and anywhere. The Voice memosdeliver the conversation of the targeted device like secret recordings or any other audio information. The audios can be downloaded in your Pc which can later view in the control panel of the application. The application provides the parents with an opportunity to view the calendar activities get the timing details and check them later without Internet Connection. The parents are worried about their children as their kids are so captivated by varieties of the application installed in their smart phones that they barely perform any tangible work, so the Appmia Application allows parents to keep a check on the activities of their kids. The key logger is another important spy tool that delivers all the keyword strokes made on the monitored device. The parents with the help of this tool can know what their children are texting and to whom they are texting.
Calls and Contact Tracking
The application tracks the call logs of the targeted device and the functions related to the cell phone and contact details. This feature of the application allows the parent to monitors the calllogs of your kids and provides detailed information about each call, it’s time, duration and callers contact details. It discovers the other essentials details which your kids may hide and find out how much time spend on one call, who they are calling and when they call with the use of monitoring application in your Smartphone.
The Appmia Application was made with the purpose of working in the several mobile devices that features IOS devices with either jailbreak or the Android. To get your mobile phone device type, follow these simple tips:
- Visit the user menu of the of your Appmia login and choose the setting option
- Select the ‘General’ tab and click on ‘About’
- Choose IOS type at the end of the page.
For Android Phones, follow these tips:
- Visit the mobile device setting.
- Select ‘About’ Tab
- Get the wanted number of the Android types.
The Appmia Application is designed for parents to monitor the online activities of their children and employers to keep a check on the activities of the employees and subordinates. It has the capability of tracking two devices at one time and contains the unique feature of recording. It maintains the complete secrecy of its customers and is the user-friendly application. The application offers the free trial to their customer which allows them to check the application carefully before purchasing the premium package of the application. To install the application in your iPhone device, it requires the jailbreak and Android may require the rooting. This application is quite helpful for parents to ensure the safety of your kids from online predators and to know how much time your child waste in chatting or playing games on the phone. Purchase the application to reduce your stress and get peace-of-mind.
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