Over the years, several antivirus companies have realized the benefit of offering a free antivirus subscription or a free trial period of a paid version to future customers. Nobody invests blindly in something they can not see first-hand. This is where McAfee Antivirus Free Download enters the picture. With the launch of free trial versions available for all of its commercial products, McAfee has ensured that no customer is left in the dark about the variety of its products and the security features that the company has to offer. In the 30-days free trial period, users can access all the premium and paid features, without actually having to shell out a single penny. They can see for themselves how the antivirus software works, what are the tools and features that are offered, and also if the current pack is suitable according to their safety requirements or not. With McAfee Antivirus Free Download, users can make an educated decision about which antivirus pack should they purchase to keep their devices secure from the numerous and rising cyber threats.

The award-winning McAfee antivirus software is fully compatible with Windows operating systems (Windows 7 and above), macOS X 10.12 and later, Apple iOS 10 and later, and Google Android smartphones and tablets 4.1 or higher. It also supports browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 10.0 or later, Microsoft Edge, and Safari for macOS and iOS only. The user interface of the antivirus software is clean and refreshing, with all the key security features displayed right on the main screen. McAfee Antivirus Free Download installs quickly and does not take up too much space on the system, neither does it slows the device down.
Some of the top benefits and security features that come with the antivirus software are:

Real-time Antivirus Protection
When any device comes across a new threat with McAfee installed on it, the antivirus software combats and removes the threat and sends the threat data to its Global Threat Intelligence Network. The antivirus company sends out regular updates to all of its users worldwide against any new threats discovered by the antivirus software.
Secure Web Browsing Experience
The antivirus sweeps various websites for hidden threats and notifies the user if any website that they are visiting or about to click on is unsecured and risky. McAfee Antivirus Free Download ensures that the user can browse the internet safely without having to worry about any hackers or spyware and ransomware trying to steal their sensitive data.
Password Manager
McAfee offers a True Key tool that enables the user to store important passwords securely.
Cross-Platform and Multi-Device Protection
McAfee antivirus software has various products, all of which are compatible with different OS. Users can also manage their different devices from a remote and easy-to-use web console.
Secure Vault
Users can store their confidential files and sensitive folders on the PC with strong 128-bit encryption.
Performance Optimization
The antivirus software enhances the device’s performance and blocks the auto-play of videos, thereby reducing the bandwidth usage by the system.
24X7 Customer Support
McAfee Antivirus Free Download comes with a highly-reliable custome care center where users can get their queries and other issues related to the product resolved via chat, email, or over the phone.
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