Many people think that visiting only trusted and reputable websites and downloading content or apps from legitimate sources will save their devices from being infected by viruses. This notion is absolutely incorrect. The truth is, no one is completely protected if they are going online without a trustworthy antivirus having their back. Avira computer virus protection is one such antivirus software that keeps users safe from malicious malware, spyware, ransomware, and other viruses. Gone are those days when viruses only used to infect devices and cause minor disruptions. Hackers these days have come up with various viruses that not only infect the device but also steal important data and hold it for ransom. They also create fraudulent websites that seem just like your regular legitimate websites. Users provide their credentials on such websites and without an antivirus present to guide them, they become victims of identity theft.

Avira Operations is a German-based antivirus company that takes its users’ online security very seriously. Avira computer virus protection software offers different products, free as well as paid, designed for different user needs. Its free antivirus software detects and blocks malware in real-time and keeps the device and data protected. Commercial products by the antivirus giant offer several advanced and unique security features at decent prices. Avira Antivirus Pro is priced at Rs. 1,529 for 1 year and covers 1 device. Avira Internet Security Suite comes at a nominal price of Rs. 1,966 for 1 device. Users can also add multiple devices in this suite at a little extra cost. Avira Prime is an all-inclusive antivirus priced at just Rs. 3,356 that covers up to 5 devices.
Avira computer virus protection is the best product out there to keep the computers free from virus attacks. It provides advanced cybersecurity features that block threats like trojan, worms, rootkits, keyloggers, and other viruses in real-time. Avira’s Browser Safety is a free and discreet extension that secures the user’s computer while browsing and enhances privacy. This add-on is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, and Opera browsers. It blocks annoying pop-ups and banners on the websites that the user visits, along with infected ads that pose a risk to the user’s computer. It prevents phishing websites from accessing the user data and blocks cookies that allow companies to track a user’s online behavior. Avira computer virus protection also sweeps the system for any hidden threats and unwanted applications residing in legitimate programs and software.

Avira antivirus cleans up the user’s online footprint and manages privacy issues that might prove dangerous. It scans all the email links and attachments for any potential threats, along with scanning of all the downloads and files stored in the cloud. While most antivirus software remove emerging viruses only, Avira antivirus not only eradicates known and unknown viruses but also repairs already infected files that are present in the system. It detects and blocks infected websites, and prevents phishing attacks and ransomware from altering or encrypting the user’s data. Avira computer virus protection offers all-round protection to customers from new as well as old viruses and keeps the device and data safe with real-time updates.
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